Eric Miller Animation’s New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! 2016 will be our second full year in business, and I wanted to share my New Year’s resolutions for the company.   I recently posted how we did with the goals I set at the beginning of last year, and I’m hoping we can accomplish more of our goals this time.  Last year I was a little zealous in what I thought we could accomplish in our first full year of business, so this year I wanted to set more realistic goals.

Animated Short:
We are getting really close to finishing our first 30 second episode for Bink, and I would love to be able to make at least 2 more this year.  So my goal is to have 3 episodes of Bink online by the end of this year.

New Clients:
Last year I had the goal of 3 new clients with large projects, but I realized the difficulties in attracting clients if I did not have an animation portfolio to show.  I ended up shifting my efforts away from finding clients to creating our own animated short which we could use to show potential clients the quality of work we can produce.  With us finishing the first episode of Bink early this year I hope it will help in brining in more clients.  I will also be increasing my marketing efforts, so with the combination of the two I feel we will be in much better shape to find more clients.  So the goal this year is again to get 3 new projects this year.  While it be nice if they are large accounts I will take any profitable projects.

Learn Something New:
This is a pretty easy goal to accomplish, since I feel I’m learning something every day.  The reason I put it down is because I feel it is extremely important to always be learning, and growing.

Grow Social Network:
There are two parts to this goal which are both important for my hybrid company.  The company is hybrid because it is both an animation studio, and an animation service company.  The goal is we do service work to bring in money, so we have the money to create our own projects.  The way I want to use social media is in two ways.  First to build our fan base, so when we post our own content it can reach more people. Second is to use social media to connect with potential clients by reaching out to them by commenting, liking, and sharing their posts.  Basically anything to get them to notice us, and build a relationship with them.  Social media is a great way for clients to learn about your brand, and be more open to work with you.  I will be hiring a Social Media Marketing coordinator this month, and hopefully they can help me accomplish this goal.  My goal is to increase our network by 100% on all our social media networks.

Increasing each network by 100% will be as follows.
Facebook: 4,427 –> 8,854
Twitter: 513 –> 1,026
LinkedIn: 146 –> 292
Google+: 11 –> 22
InstaGram: 235 –> 470
YouTube: 5 –> 10

Profitable 2016:
I always expect the first few years to be a loss.  I started the company in July of 2014, and surprised myself when the first 6 months were profitable.  Then last year I ended up spending more money then I brought in, but we were only slightly in the red.  If you look at the entire life of the business we are still profitable even with the loss last year.  I also have not been taking a salary myself, and have been keeping the money in the business.  This year my goal is to make enough where I can actually take a salary(even a small salary), and still have the business be profitable. I do enjoy growing the business, but making some money would be nice especially with our growing family.


I will keep my the list of my main goals pretty short.  I will always be setting other goals throughout the year, but these are the big ones I’m hoping to accomplish.


If you have not already, please join me on my journey by subscribing to my blog.  Also, if you have any thoughts or advice I would love to hear what you have to say, so please feel free to leave me any comments below. Otherwise, be sure to stay connected with me on Twitter (@MillerAnimation). Only Time Will Tell.