I wanted to share with all of you how Bink week went. We released the first episode of Bink last Tuesday, June 28th, but the fun started two days before. I hosted the Bink Screening & Wrap Party on Sunday for many of the Cast & Crew, and invited guests. I think the event went really well and was a great start to Bink Week. There was one thing I wish would have been different, and this was I hurt my ankle pretty bad a few hours before the start of the event trying to get things setup. Talk about completely derailing a lot of your plans. Luckily, I had some really awesome people to help make sure everything got setup before the event.

Bink Cast & Crew: Pictured(L to R): Back Row:Carl Johnson, Jared White, Graham Cunningham, Jacob Gardner, Valerio Fabbretti; Front Row: Violette Sacre, Linda Kurgpold, Me, Kate Luhr, and Charlie Petrek. Not pictured: Farooq Qureshi, Rachel Wan, Joachim de Brunier, Phil Zucco, Nico Sanghrajka, William Dougan, Scott Raymond, and Jeff Jeff Shiffman.
So to answer the question of “how did Bink do?”… We had several posts across different social media accounts, and most of them pointed back to the company’s YouTube channel. A few days later I also posted a native Facebook video, and then promoted this video through Facebook. Here is how the numbers break down.
Total Views Across All Social Media Sites: 26,187
Number of YouTube views: 2,193
Increase in YT Subscribers: +86
Current Subscribers: 119
Total Facebook views: 18,243
Facebook Original Post Shared: 58
Facebook Original Post Likes: 83
Facebook Original Post Reach: 10,617
Facebook Group Post Shared: 87
Facebook Group Post Comments: 72
Facebook Group Post Likes: 477
Native Facebook Video views: 421
Native Facebook Video Reach: 1,273
Sponsored Facebook Video views: 17,822
Sponsored Facebook Video Reach: 97,856
Increase in Facebook Page Likes: +80
Current Facebook Page Likes Total: 4627
Sponsored Instagram Video views: 5,751
Eric Miller Animation Website:
Website Page Views: 2,831
Website Unique Visitors: 1,557
Overall we have got great reactions from everyone. Of the 2,193 YouTube views we got 59 thumbs up and only 2 thumbs down. All the comments on YouTube have also been nice. We have been getting a lot of comments about how short it is, and people wanting more which I will take as a good sign. We have also had a large amount of people asking for plush toys of Bink. Actually the only mean comment we got was from Instagram when 8shadowsneak8 said “Get ready to see this movie in the 5$ Walmart bin.” I will try not to let this comment ruin my day.
Overall I think everything went really well. Most people I have talked to said it takes some time to build up an audience on YouTube. Going viral is everyone’s dream, but that is not very common. I hope as the company releases more videos both of Bink and other projects we will continue to build our audience.
If you have not seen Bink yet I will include it in this post to make it easy for you.
If you are still reading there is one more thing I wanted to announce. In previous posts I talked about a client project we have been working on which I referred to as “Project-MMM”. We have the first episode done, and I just got the approval from the client to share what we have been working on. It is a start up toy company with a new toy line called MagicMeeMees. They asked us to do a low-budget 3D animated web series to coincide with the release of the toys. We will be releasing the 1st episode soon, so please keep a look out for it.
If you have not already, please join me on my journey by subscribing to my blog. Also, if you have any thoughts or advice I would love to hear what you have to say, so please feel free to leave me any comments below. Otherwise, be sure to stay connected with me on Twitter (@MillerAnimation). Only Time Will Tell.